How Much Did Ortega Fmily Pay for Roc Art Ranch

The University of Arizona School of Anthropology and Arizona State Museum completed its fourth twelvemonth of fieldwork at Rock Art Ranch. The field school, led past Dr. Eastward. Charles (Chuck) Adams, is open to undergraduate and graduate students at all skill levels. During the 5 week field program, participants volition learn archaeological survey, digging, and lab techniques. For survey, participants will larn site identification, location and mapping using GPS; antiquity identification, collection and processing; soil and plant identification; and artifact analysis and sourcing. For excavation, the participants will learn mapping using the total station, feature identification, the principles of stratigraphy and their application to the archaeological record, seriation techniques, artifact identification and typology, and bones laboratory procedures. In the lab students will have the take a chance to complete preliminary analyses of artifacts recovered from the field..Students will use these skills to complete research projects for their final grades.

In 2013 Dr. Adams received a National Science Foundation grant (1262184) to found a Research Enrichment for Undergraduates (REU) research site at Rock Fine art Ranch. From 2014 through 2016, ten students will be chosen from applications to participate in this programme. In addition to the field programme described above, students volition return to ASM for two weeks for workshops on bioarchaeology, zooarchaeology, and conservation scientific discipline.

 Stone Fine art Ranch is located 25 miles due south and east of Winslow and Homol'ovi State Park, where Adams and Lange conducted research from 1984-2006. The ranch is named subsequently a famous petroglyph site in Chevelon Canyon which borders the west side of the ranch. We felt that this new area might help provide additional context on the period preceding the late pueblo menstruum (1260 to 1400 CE) at Homol'ovi.

 During its four years of functioning, the field schoolhouse has excavated in three sites. At ane we uncovered two rooms and an extensive exterior work area dating 1230-1250 CE, based on radiocarbon dates, and a pit house and storage pit dating to earlier the appearance of pottery or earlier 500 CE. At the 2nd site 100m from the outset we uncovered a possible kiva (ceremonial structure). We likewise tested burned surface features at two pre-ceramic sites that were radiocarbon dated to 100 BCE and 500 CE. During 2013-2014 the fieldschool excavated and mapped the Multi-Kiva (MK) site located south of the ranch. It is estimated to date about 1200 CE. MK has up to 20 rooms and is 2 stories in places.

Map of Multi-Kiva site (AZ P:3:112)

The field school has also surveyed 2382 acres (iii.72 sq mi) of the Rock Art Ranch belongings and another 640 acres in the section surrounding MK. All told 138 sites and loci take been recorded, 110 on the ranch and 28 on the MK section. Sites on the MK section are mostly contemporary with MK, although 3-4 date 600-850 CE. On the ranch sites are full-bodied within 200 meters of the two shallow canyons that dissect it. Preliminary analysis of the micro-environment of Chimney and Bell canyons indicate water is trapped as shallow as 1.5 m (5 ft) beneath sand dunes that fill it and would exist accessible through elementary wells. In improver cottonwood, hackberry, black walnut, and willow in the canyons provide much needed building and firewood materials.

Boundaries of area surveyed on Stone Art Ranch 2011-2014

Bell Cow Canyon sites, which are nearest the large petroglyph panels, are by and large pre-ceramic. These have extensive scatters of fine bifacial thinning flakes and whole or bitty apartment or shallow basin metates. Tools are likewise abundant including scrapers, bifaces, drills and projectile points. The points suggest groups were hunting, gathering and living in the area during belatedly Paleoindian (8000–6000 BCE), Centre Primitive (4000–1500 BCE) and early Basketmaker (800 BCE–500 CE) periods. The abundance and variety of grasses and other gatherable plants plus fall game advise frequent, short-term utilise of the surface area. When corn was introduced about 1000 BCE, site size and density seems to increase with canyon bottoms likely used for garden farming.

Metates from Stone Art Ranch. Photograph by Chuck Adams.

Sites along Chimney Coulee are more than various with those where the canyon is pocket-sized and narrow quite similar to those along Bell Moo-cow. However, when the canyon opens upwards on the n end of the ranch and onto adjacent Aztec Land and Cattle Company land, numerous modest pueblos dating 1200-1250 announced. The expanse is amenable to floodwater farming and more extensive and intensive farming practices, which would exist required of farming-dependent pueblo groups. Many other sites without architecture in upland areas near the pueblos are likely boosted farming areas.

Looking up Chimney Canyon. Photo by Rich Lange.

Our impression is that the study area has been lightly used or occupied virtually continuously for the past 10-13,000 years, but merely intensively used and occupied for nearly 50 years from 1200-1250 CE. Manifestly ware ceramics and architectural fashion of the pueblos advise the groups settling these pueblos migrated from the Mogollon Rim region to the southward or east. Busy pottery exchanged to these pueblos was with groups to the northward in the Hopi Buttes and to the east in Argent Creek and other drainages into the Little Colorado River. Creswell Pueblo virtually Homol'ovi III is quite similar to these pueblos suggesting not merely exchange into this region only a possibility descendents of these pueblos populated the Homol'ovi pueblos of the late 1200s.

Pre-ceramic groups show these connections and boundaries through lithic assemblages—lots of petrified wood and no virtually no obsidian, suggesting connections to the east Projectile point styles are also strongly associated with traditions to the east and south and less so to the north.

Jeddito Yellow Ware, produced in Hopi Mesa villages and so common in the Homol'ovi pueblos, is nearly absent on the ranch. It is most common on top of pre-ceramic sites on Bell Cow Canyon and sometimes includes obsidian. The yellow ware dates 1330 to perhaps as late every bit 1700 suggesting Chevelon Canyon was a connected place of importance to Hopi people long later the Homol'ovi pueblos were depopulated.

Support for the Rock Art Ranch fieldschool in 2014 was provided by the National Science Foundation, Grant 1262184.


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