You Know Youre From South Carolina When

Spend just a few minutes talking with a Due south Carolinian and any visitor volition notice ane thing: The natives accept a way with words. It'due south non just the honey-rich drawls or sincere friendliness, either. You'll notice pretty quickly that South Carolinians are natural poets. They play with words and invent new ones every bit the needs arise. They are funny without meaning to be, soulful without existence maudlin, all while just getting yous checked in to your hotel or serving your dejeuner.

Maybe it'southward considering the cadence of speech is slower here than much of the rest of the state. Information technology gives folks more future upwardly with a lovely or witty plow of phrase. Maybe it's because South Carolinians are just naturally funny people.

But the distinctive speech patterns and phrases aren't just humorous and poetic. They're likewise the incredibly useful and precise, if you lot know what they mean. In whatsoever event, conversations with locals on your Due south Carolina vacation volition be a highlight of your visit. And if you need a little cheat sheet, we've included ane hither:

one. Y'all: Truly the most useful discussion you'll hear in South Carolina, information technology'due south the plural "you lot" that the English language is defective. "All of y'all" is too clunky, "everybody" non personal enough, "yous guys" leaves out the female one-half of the world. But "you lot"-and so concise, so exact and rolls right off the natural language. Information technology's the word y'all didn't know you needed until you start using information technology. Bet y'all start using information technology without even knowing it earlier y'all go home.

2. Hey: 2nd in ubiquity to "y'all" and deeply connected to it is "hey." It simply means hello. "Hey y'all" means "hello everybody," just sounds a million times better.

three. Nice to see you: When you run across a Southward Carolinian, they'll say, "It's overnice to meet y'all!" Now don't panic or wrack your encephalon if you thought you'd never met this person before. Information technology's entirely possible you haven't. South Carolinians are always happy to see you, not meet you. Maybe it's considering they already think of y'all equally a friend.

iv. Might could: Another really helpful phrase invented, "might could" means "that could exist a possibility but I don't have enough information correct now to determine." Ask if you tin do something, and you'll probably hear "we might could exercise that." Information technology ways the speaker doesn't quite know if it'south possible or a expert idea. Information technology's a way for the speaker to hedge her bets, or manage your expectations, without letting you down. "I reckon we might could" means things will exist a fleck more than difficult to pull off but are possible. "I reckon nosotros might could call back about that" is a bad sign. "I reckon we might could ought to think about that" means it'south impossible. Sorry. Heed for might could's kissing cousins, "might should" and "might ought to."

5. Anoint your heart: You've no doubt heard this one already. Sometimes it's an expression of deepest sympathy, concern and compassion. And sometimes, well, sometimes it'south the most cut affair a South Carolinian can say. How to tell the divergence? It'south all about the context, y'all.

vi. Cackalacky: South Carolina's nickname, used when goofy things happen.

7. Some more Southernisms: And then these aren't phrases or parts of voice communication that demand defining. No, they're just straight fun. They're the poetry of South Carolina and are peppered in conversations. Some have been around forever, and some are made up on the fly. That's why that drawl and wearisome cadence are so helpful. More time to think. Hither are some favorites:

"You sow your wild oats on Saturday, and pray for ingather failure Sunday forenoon." - Hope your Saturday night antics don't have repercussions.

"That dog won't hunt." - Um, no. Bad idea.

"Don't infringe trouble." - Keep your mouth shut.

"I'll exist there in two shakes of a lamb'southward tail." or "I'll be in that location straight." - I'll be right there.

"Butter my butt and call me a biscuit!" - Oh my.

8. And the insults. Oh, the insults. Nobody can fling an insult equally hilariously and passive-aggressively equally a South Carolinian:

"He'due south not the sharpest knife in the drawer." - He's not very bright.

"Visiting with her is similar a calendar month of Sundays." - So boring. Then slow.

"He's like a canis familiaris on linoleum." - He'south a lot of noise with no forward motion. He'southward going nowhere.

Not sure whether a saying is an insult or not? Well, that's the genius of South Carolina. Information technology might could be. It simply depends.

So when y'all come up to see South Carolina's breathtaking natural dazzler, explore the rich history and dine on the all-time Southern dishes, don't forget to heed for the lilting, lovely, rich, humorous and surprisingly precise South Carolina sayings. You'll be able to bless everyone's heart when you go dorsum dwelling house.

Kerry Egan

Detect writers share all of the places, activities and hazard that Due south Carolina has to offer. Read more from some of South Carolina's locals and discover what's happening in the Palmetto State.


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